Thursday, September 10, 2015

ENGLISH--Questions and Answers for 5,6,7chapter( S.R)

Questions and Answers for 5,6,7 chapter


1.On what did Ralph agree? With whom?

 Ralph agreed with Mr. Fogg that the world has gone smaller, since a man could now go round it ten times more quickly than a hundred years age.

2. Why did Passepartout say that Fix was very kind?

Passepartout said that fix was very kind because he said that he would show him an excellent shop for getting what Passepartout wanted.

3. What did Passepartout see on the streets of Bombay?

Passepartout watched the curious ceremonies with strange eyes and gaping mouth at the Parsee festival. He saw also a Pagoda on Malabar Hill.

4.Where did the third passanger sit in the carriage?

 The third passanger occupied the seat opposite to Passepartout and Phileas.

 5.On what did the passangers cross over the mountains?

The passangers had to cross over the mountains in palanquins or on ponies.

 6.Describe the temples.

The temples were enriched with marvellous Indian

7. In what did Passepartout start to have faith?

Passepartout started having faith in his master’s project and prayed that he would win the bet.

 8.Describe the European woman.

(The European woman flattered with every step. Her head, neck, shoulders, ears, arms, hands and toes were loaded with jewels and gems. She wore a tunic bordered with gold and covered with a muslin robe.

 9.What is meant by ‘a suttee’?

 ‘A suttee’ is a human sacrifice. In this practice, women are immolated on their late husbands’ pyre

10.On what did the passangers cross over the mountains?

The passangers had to cross over the mountains in palanquins or on ponies.

11. In what did Passepartout start to have faith?

Passepartout started having faith in his master’s project and prayed that he would win the bet.

12.Who was Aouda?

Aouda was a celebrated beauty and daughter of a wealthy

Bombay merchant.

13. Why were the Fakirs, priests and soldiers terrified?

The Fakirs, priests and soldiers were terrified because the rajah was not dead.

14.Where did Aouda find herself?

Aouda found herself in the railway carriage, dressed in

European clothes, and travelling with strangers.

 15.Why was Mr. Fix confused?

Mr. Fix was puzzled with Mr. Fogg’s new travelling companion.

 16.What did the clerk inform them about?

The clerk informed that the repairs on the ‘Carnatic’ having being completed, the steamer would leave that very evening.

17. How did Mr. Fogg react when his servant Passepartout did not return?

Mr. Fogg did not show any signs of surprise when his servant did not return at bedtime. When Passepartout did not appear next morning, Mr. Fogg took his carpet - bag, called Aouda, and sent for a Palanquin. He did not show any signs of displeasure or discomfort.


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