Thursday, September 3, 2015

ENGLISH---The Ballad of Father Gilligan

Priest- In many Christian churches, a member of the second grade of clergy.Weary- feeling or showing extreme tiredness, especially as a result of excessive
exertion.Lay- put (something) down gently or carefully.
Nodded- let one's head fall forward when drowsy or asleep
Grieve- feel intense sorrow.
Spake- past of speak.
Knelt- past and past participle of kneel.
Leaning- be in or move into a sloping position.
Peep- look quickly and furtively at something, especially through a narrow opening.
Whispered- speak very softly using one's breath rather than one's throat,
especially for the sake of secrecy.
Upright- sitting or standing with the back straight.
Roused- cause to stop sleeping.
Rode- past of ride.
Lane- a narrow road, especially in a rural area.

Rhyming words: 1. Night- flight, bright, fight.

2. Peace- niece,

3. Die- pie, buy, spy.

4. Spake- cake, bake, take.

5. Least- beast, feast, yeast.

6. Moth- cloth, doth, froth.

7. Lane- pane, gain, again.

8. Star- far, bar, tar.

9. Turn- burn, learn

10. Asleep- heap, deep, peep.
Rhyming words:
1. Night- flight, bright, fight.

2. Peace- niece,

3. Die- pie, buy, spy.

4. Spake- cake, bake, take.

5. Least- beast, feast, yeast.

6. Moth- cloth, doth, froth.

7. Lane- pane, gain, again.

8. Star- far, bar, tar.

9. Turn- burn, learn

10. Asleep- heap, deep, peep.

What happened before God whispered to mankind?
The stars grew into millions, the leaves shook in the wind and God covered the world with shade.

When did the moths come once more?
The moths came once more when the sparrows chirped.

What did the old priest Peter Gilligan do when the moths came?
He stood upright on the floor.

Why did the priest say "Mavrone,mavrone! When he heard that the man was dead?
Because he felt guilty for being asleep and not being there with the man.

What did he do on waking up?
He woke his horse up and rode to the poor man’s house.

Who opened the door?
The sick man’s wife opened the door.

What surprised the lady?
 The arrival of the priest again surprise the lady.
What did Peter Gilligan ask the lady?
Peter Gilligan asked the lady if the poor man was dead.

How did he react to this news?
He swayed to and fro in grief.

When did the man die?
He died after Peter Gilligan had left.

How did the man die?
He died like a merry bird.

Who do you think had come to help Peter Gilligan?
An angel

How was he dressed?
He was wrapped in a purple robe.

1 comment:

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