Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Rise of Autonomous States
I Read the passage and answer the questions below:
Nadir Shah became the ruler of Iran in 1736. In 1738, he began to launch raids across  the Hindu  Kush Mountains into  Northern  India,  which,  at  that  time,  wasunder the rule of the Mughal Empire.
The  Mughal Empire had  been  weakened  by  ruinous  wars  of  succession  in  the three  decades  following  the  death  of  Aurangzeb.  The  Muslim  nobles  hadasserted  their  independence  whilst  the Hindu Marathas had captured vast swathes  of  territory  in  Central  and  Northern  India.  Its  ruler,  Muhammad  Shah,proved  unable  to  stop  the  disintegration  of  the  empire.  The  imperial  court
administration  was  corrupt  and  weak  whereas  the  country  was  extremely  rich whilst Delhi’s prosperity and prestige was still at a high. Nadir Shah, attracted bythe country's wealth, sought plunder like so many other foreign invaders before him.
Nadir had asked Muhammad Shah to close the Mughal frontiers around Kabul so that the Afghan rebels he was fighting against may not seek refuge in Kabul.
Even  though  the  Emperor  agreed,  he  practically  took  no  action.  Nadir  seized upon this as a pretext for war. He defeated his Afghan enemies fleeing into the Hindu  Kush  and  also  seized  major  cities  such as Ghazni, Kabul and Peshawar capturing Lahore. Nadir advanced to the river Indus before the end of year as the Mughals mustered their army against him.
At the Battle of Karnal on 13 February 1739, Nadir led his army to victory over the Mughals,  Muhammad  Shah  surrendered  and  both  entered Delhi together. The keys to the capital of Delhi were surrendered to Nadir. He entered the city on 20
March  1739  and  occupied Shah  Jehan’s  imperial  suite in  the Red  Fort.  Coins were  struck,  and  prayers  said,  in  his  name  in  the Jama  Masjid and  other  Delhi mosques.
1) What led to a war between Nadir Shah and the Mughals?
Nadir had asked Muhammad Shah to close the Mughal frontiers around Kabul so that the Afghan rebels he was fighting against may not seek refuge in Kabul.Even  though  the  Emperor  agreed,  he  practically  took  no  action.  Nadir  seized upon this as a pretext for war.
2) Do you think capturing Delhi was one of the major reasons for the fall of the Mughals? Yes or No say why?
There were many reasons for the fall of the Mughals. Capturing Delhi was indeed the final blow to the empire bu the problem existed deeper inside as a result of weak administrators and widespread inequalities
III Class Discussion
After  reading  the text  in  your  book,  can  you  say  that  there  was  a  rise  of autonomous states only due to the fall of Mughals? Or because of the need to be free of the Mughal rule?
The  autonomous  states  emerged  because  of  the  fall  of  Mughals.  This  was because  there  was  widespread  misadministration.  The  amobitious  and  able rulers decided to have their separate regional powers and expand territories.
IV Recognize the objects:
Kohinoor Peacock Throne
Red Fort
Jama Masjid
Striving for Equality
I Read the information given below and answer the questions
• Equality and Diversity is the current term used for ‘Equal Opportunities’.
• It is a legal requirement to protect against discrimination.
• Discrimination  can  be  against  a  person’s  sex,  gender,  disability,  sexual orientation, religion, belief, race or age.
• Equality – ‘equal rights and treatment to all individuals’
• Diversity – ‘difference from what is normal or expected’
a) What according to you is equality in diversity?
Equal Opportunities. Equal rights and treatment to all individuals.
b) Who do you think are more affected by discrimination?
Dalits, women, children, poor.
c) What steps as an individual can you take to stop discrimination around
Stop  discrimination  at  home  and  in  school.  Stand  for  people  who  are Discriminated
d) As  an  individual  how  will  you  avoid  discrimination  if  you  were a Rajasthani and were judging a dance competition which differs from your culture and style?
There should not be any kind of discrimination while judging.(elaborate and write your specific response).
II Thinking Time
The Constitution of India guarantees the Right to Equality through Article 14 to 18 of the Indian Constitution. According to Article 14 all Indian citizens are equally in the eyes of the law. But you cannot have an identical law for every individual as  they  are  not  equal  in  status,  cast,  circumstances,  nature  of  work,  and  their achievements.  Hence,  the  changing  needs  of  different  classes  or  sections  of people  require  different  and  separate  treatment. The  government  recognizes
these special circumstances and have taken them into consideration.
Therefore, it is necessary for the government to have the power to make certain discrete  laws  to  accomplish  equality  objects.  For  this  purpose  if  distinguishing, selecting and classifying people are required to make successful laws, then they should take the initiative to do so. This in turn will lead to a successful function of the “Equality in diversity” concept, personally and firmly.
a. Do you agree with the concept mentioned above? Yes or No state why?
I  agree  with  the  concept.  this  is  because  to  be  equal  it  may  mean  sacrifices from  one  section  of  society  who  have  already  had  the  privileges.  The government  can  be  the  best  judge  to  know  who  is  the  deprived  one  and  act accordingly.
I disagree because that may encourage the government to make judgments for personal gains.
b. How can you do justice with two different laws for a similar incident and people with different statuses? Reply taking into consideration that one person is a grade10 student and the other a grade 3 student. Both being bullied by a grade 10 and grade 3 students respectively. How would you do justice to both and how will your action differ taking the age and grade into consideration?
The student age 3 is younger and his maturity level and experience is less. He can be reprimanded for his action by correcting him politely and whenever the action  is  repeated.  The  class  10  student  is  more  matured  and  can understand the  feelings  of  the  bullied  boy. He  can  be  counseleld  by  a  professional  if  the actions is repeated and the parents can be taken into confidence.
III Discussion Time
What kind of discrimination can you see in the following information?
Forests are being cut down for wood to construct highways.
Tribes are being forced to leave their home and move to other places like cities and leave behind their culture.
Farm land is being taken over for building factories.

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