1. Name the following:(R)
(a) The method of asexual reproduction in Spirogya.
ans.: Fragmentation
(b) An example of a rhizome.
ans.: ginger/canna/turmeric.
(c) Sepals of a flower collectively form this part.
ans.: Calyx
2. State whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the false statements. (An)
(a) The swollen structure present at the bottom of the style is called ovule. ans.: False
The swollen structure present at the bottom of the style is called ovary. (b) A flower which bears all the four whorls is called a complete flower. ans.: True
(c) In Vallisneria, pollination takes place through wind.
ans.: False
In Vallisneria, pollination takes place throughwater.
(d) Pine trees produce reproductive structures called cones.
ans.: True
3. Assertion-Reason type questions:(An)
In the following questions, two statements are given- one labelled Assertion (A) and the other labelled Reason (R). Read the statements carefully and choose the correct alternative (A), (B), (C) and (D) as given below.
(A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of the assertion. (B) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of the assertion. (C) A is true but R is false.
(D) A is false but R is true.
(i) Assertion:Air currents carry dandelion seeds away from the parent plant. Reason: Dandelion seeds are light in weight.
ans:(A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of the assertion.
(ii) Assertion:Rubber trees are grown artificially.
Reason:Rubber trees have rhizomes which grow by vegetative propagation. ans: (C) A is true but R is false.
4. Explain the following terms. (R)
(a) Runners
ans: The horizontally growing stems are called runners.
(b) Artificial propagation
ans: Growing plants through artificial methods is known as artificial propagation.
5. Give reasons for the following. (An)
(a) Seeds of burdock have hook-like structures on them.
ans: The hook-like structures help the seeds to attach to the fur of animals. (b) Gulmohar is a bisexual flower.
ans: Gulmohar flower contains both male and female flowers. Hence it is a bisexual flower.
6. A field trip was organized for students of grade 7 to ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research). Students were shown the following picture on a method used to develop new varieties of apples. Write the steps that are used to get new varieties of apples by this method.(Ap)

In this method, a plant which is fast growing and resistant to diseases is taken as the base ofthe plant.
It is called the stock.
To get the combined features of two plants, the stem of a healthy plant is obliquely cut (graft or scion) and inserted over the stem of the stock through a small incision.
The stock and the scion are firmly bound together with a string. In a few weeks, the tissues of the stock and the scion fuse together.
The stock provides the root system and supports the lower part of the new plant.
The upper part of the graft plant grows upwards and provides the stem, flowers and fruits.
7. Observe the picture and answer the questions that follow.(Ap)

(a) What does the picture depict?
ans: The picture depicts the life cycle of a fern.
(b) Name the structure that produces the egg.
ans: The structure that produces the egg is called archegonium.
(c) Name the structure formed by the germination of spores.
ans: The spores develop into young gametophytes.
8. Place a potato having buds in a tray. Occasionally sprinkle few drops of water on the buds. Observe the potato after a week and draw its picture.What conclusion can be drawn from this activity?(Ap)

Conclusion: Potato shows vegetative propagation through its stem/tuber.
9. Given below are six bees roaming in an orchard. Follow the given lines to identify the flowers on which each bee will sit. Draw or stick colourful pictures of the flowers in the empty boxes. Write any 3 characteristics of insect-pollinated flowers in the table given below. (U)

Bee | Flower | Characteristics of insect-pollinated flowers. 1) Flowers are brightly coloured 2) Flowers have fragrance 3) Flowers have lots of nectar |
Bee 1 | Sunflower |
Bee 2 | Poppy |
Bee 3 | Lillies |
Bee 4 | Lavender |
Bee 5 | Allium |
Bee 6 | Rosemary |
Give three more examples of insect-pollinated plants.
Apple, mango, beet, onion are other examples of plants which are pollinated by bees.
(answers may vary accept all correct examples)
10.Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (U) What will happen if a potato plant with undesirable characteristics reproduces asexually?
ans: The offsprings of the potato plant will also have undesirable characteristicsduring asexual reproduction, the parent plants give rise to identical offsprings.